AthlonII 发表于 2020-11-9 05:42:36



尘土里的子弹壳 发表于 2020-11-9 12:45:30

本帖最后由 尘土里的子弹壳 于 2020-11-9 12:47 编辑

如果你这样问,那证明你一定没有读过 战地2服务器自带的 ReadmeServer.txt


- Minimum Specification, based on playing a 16 player game:
CPU: 1 Ghz
RAM: 256 Mb

- Recommended Specification, based on playing a 64 player game:
CPU: 3 Ghz. For AMD Athlon 64 CPU: 3500+ (2.2 Ghz)
RAM: 2 Gb

- Recommended Specification, based on playing a 48 player Titan game:
CPU: 3.6 Ghz. For AMD Athlon 64 CPU: 4800+
RAM: 2 Gb

- Optimal Specification, based on playing a 64 player Conquest game:
Only run one instance of BF2 per physical CPU with Hyperthreading disabled
CPU: AMD Athlon 64 4800+ or 3.6GHz Xeon.
RAM: 2Gb per physical CPU

- Optimal Specification, based on playing a 48 player Titan game:
Only run one instance of BF2 per physical CPU with Hyperthreading disabled
CPU: AMD Athlon 64 4800+ or 3.8GHz Xeon.
RAM: 2Gb per physical CPU


- Minimum Specification, based on playing a 16 player game:
CPU: 1 Ghz
RAM: 384 Mb

- Recommended Specification, based on playing a 64 player game:
CPU: 3 Ghz. For AMD Athlon 64 CPU: 3500+ (2.2 Ghz)
RAM: 2 Gb

- Optimal Specification based on playing a 64 player Conquest or game:
Only run one instance of BF2 per physical CPU with Hyperthreading disabled
CPU: AMD Athlon 64 4800+ or 3.66GHz Xeon.
RAM: 2Gb per physical CPU


- Minimum
2.5 Mbit

- Recommended

Note that the server requires more upstream bandwidth (server to client) than downstream (client to server). The above bandwidth recommendations are upstream speeds.

As always if you can increase any of the above hardware you will improve your overall gameplay experience.


The use of a software firewall on the server is not recommended, as it can adversely affect server performance and the overall gameplay experience.

XIV. Appendix D - Server settings and their functions

Note that the following commands are prefixed "sv." when use in the serversettings.con file or server console on both Windows and Linux.

- ServerName ?This is the name that the server will display in the server browser.

- Password ?This allows you to set a password for the server. Note that Ranked servers cannot be password protected.

- Internet ?Check this box to have the server display in the 揗ultiplay?menu in the 2142 client. Ranked servers must have this option checked.

- Ranked ?This sets whether or not the server will use the official Ranking system and send end of round scores to the backend stats system. To run a Ranked server the server IP address must be listed in the Ranked Server Providers list ?contact your server provider for this facility.

- WelcomeMessage ?This allows you to enter text that will be displayed on the server info window while the client is loading the map.

- ServerIP ?This sets the IP address that the server will display to the client. This is primarily for servers that have a front-end game IP and a back-end admin IP.

- ServerPort ?This is the port that the clients will use to communicate with the server. Note that if multiple server instances are run on the same host PC, this value must be unique to each instance. Recommended range is from the default 16567 to 16570.

- AllowFreeCam ?This setting allows the player to use the free camera mode while waiting to spawn into the game (press Space on the spawn screen to activate).

- AllowExternalViews ?This allows the players to switch between the normal internal view and the various external views while in vehicles.

- AllowNoseCam ?This allows the player to use the nose camera (eliminating the vehicle model) while in aircraft.

- HitIndicator ?This setting controls whether the hit indicator will be displayed to the clients when shooting enemy targets.

- MaxPlayers ?This sets how many players will be allowed to join the server. It also sets the map size that will be loaded in Conquest mode. Note the maximimum number of players in Titans Mode is 48. In Cooperative mode this value sets the amount of bots to load. As human players join bots will be removed on a one for one basis.

- NumPlayersNeededToStart ?How many players need to be connected to the server before the round starts. This setting has mandatory values for Ranked servers ?6 players for a 16 player server, 6 for 32 player and 8 for 48/64 player.

- NotEnoughPlayersRestartDelay ?This sets how long the round will continue if the number of players falls below the value set above. Once this time has expired the server will end the round.

- CoopBotRatio - This detemines the percentage of total bots that will be on team 1 which is the MEC and Chinese. This setting does not affect human players.

- CoopBotCount - This specifies the total number of bots that will spawn in a Coop game. This does not affect the number of human players.

- CoopBotDifficulty - This determines how tough the bots are in Coop mode with 10 being the easiest, 50 being medium and 100 being the hardest.

- NoVehicles - This sets the server in "Infantry Only" mode and removes all vehicles except boats. Boats are excluded to allow gameplay on maps like Wake Island.

- StartDelay ?this sets the time period between the required number of players joining the server and the round starting (this will be displayed to the clients as the 揅ommander Election?period).

- EndDelay ?This sets the time period between the round ending and the server rotating to the next round/map.

- SpawnTime ?How long a player must wait before respawning. The default 15 seconds is mandatory on Ranked servers and cannot be changed.

- ManDownTime ?The time period during which a player may be revived. This value must be lower than the SpawnTime value. Again this is a mandatory 15 seconds on Ranked servers.

- TicketRatio ?How many tickets each team will have. Note this is a percentage figure, not how many actual tickets each team has. The actual number of tickets is set by the map size and the game mode, for example on Conquest: Assault maps where one team has an uncapturable base, that team will start with less tickets than the team with no uncap. The default value of 100 is mandatory on Ranked servers. This value has no bearing on gpm_ti game modes.

- RoundsPerMap ?How many rounds will be played on each map before loading the next map.

- TimeLimit ?This value (in minutes) sets how long the round will last before ending. The round can still be ended normally if one team loses all of its tickets or its Titan is destroyed. Note that time limits may not be used on Ranked servers. Also note that this value is listed in seconds in the "serversettings.con" file on Linux servers. Time limits may not be set on gpm_ti game modes.

- SoldierFriendlyFire ?A percentage value of how much damage will be caused by direct infantry weapon fire to players on the same team.

- VehicleFriendlyFire - A percentage value of how much damage will be caused by direct vehicle weapon fire to players on the same team.

- SoldierSplashFriendlyFire - A percentage value of how much damage will be caused by indirect infantry weapon fire to players on the same team.

- VehicleSplashFriendlyFire - A percentage value of how much damage will be caused by indirect infantry weapon fire to players on the same team.

- TkPunishEnabled ?Controls whether or not the punish system for team killing is on or off.

- TkNumPunishToKick ?The number of times a player may be punished for team kills before being automatically kicked from the server.

- TkPunishByDefault ?This setting will automatically punish players for teamkilling if the victim does not choose to punish or forgive.

- VotingEnabled ?Controls whether or not players may vote for map changes, commander mutiny and player kicks.

- VoteTime ?The time (in seconds) that a vote will last for before the result is applied.

- MinPlayersForVoting ?How many players are required to vote for the vote to be successful.

- VoipEnabled ?Controls whether or not the Voice Over IP system will be used by the clients.

- VoipServerRemote ?Controls whether or not the server will use its own in-built Voip system or the Battlefield Remote VOIP Server.

- VoipServerRemoteIP ?The IP address of the remote VOIP server, if one is to be used.

- VoipServerPort ?The port used by the server to control VOIP

- VoipBFClientPort ?The VOIP port used by the clients to communicate.

- VoipBFServerPort ?The VOIP port the server uses to resend messages on to the clients.


南飞 发表于 2020-11-9 05:42:37


5Mbit带宽或以上、2G内存或以上,CPU :3 Ghz. (AMD Athlon 64 CPU: 3500+ (2.2 Ghz)以上)
5Mbit带宽或以上、2G内存或以上,CPU :3 Ghz. (AMD Athlon 64 CPU: 3500+ (2.2 Ghz)以上)

其中这里所述的带宽并非下行带宽,而是上行带宽。而实际上来说,带宽也可以略低,因为战地2 bf2联机玩家很少,很少情况下会高负载在线。


AthlonII 发表于 2020-11-9 05:43:17


AthlonII 发表于 2020-11-9 19:18:31

nanfei 发表于 2020-11-9 12:51


2核4G 6M

AthlonII 发表于 2020-11-9 19:18:58

尘土里的子弹壳 发表于 2020-11-9 12:45
如果你这样问,那证明你一定没有读过 战地2服务器自带的 ReadmeServer.txt


AthlonII 发表于 2020-11-9 19:19:16

尘土里的子弹壳 发表于 2020-11-9 12:45
如果你这样问,那证明你一定没有读过 战地2服务器自带的 ReadmeServer.txt

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